Saturday, January 24, 2015


It is time to say goodbye to this little bitty, tiny corner of the internets that I've called home for the last--gasp--seven years. What started off as a fun way to share my life on the left coast, turned into a baby book/therapeutic postpartum outlet and scrapbook for our family.
I've loved this space and every little thing I've recorded about my family and the boys (even my occasional over-sharing), but they're growing up and we aren't nearly as interesting just doing LIFE.
I'm actually in the process of transferring the contents of the blog over to a few volumes of over detailed baby books for the boys to look back on when they become parents. I hope they enjoy reading these posts, just as much as I have loved writing them.
So ONWARD and UPWARD, friends! Check us out over on my Instagram, where I will continue to over-share pictures of these two crazy boys.


nick said...

Good job Erica. Bummed to see it go...

Anonymous said...

What! No way! I'll miss it,,,, Mom

Jessica said...

I miss peeking in on the Waeltys! You better post more on Instagram if that your new platform now!

Erica said...

Thank you to my three devout readers!!

Unknown said...

Oh no! Where am I going to go to learn about what I need to do when I have little ones of my own?