Monday, October 20, 2008


Some unaffiliated football fan asked "how are you so loyal to Michigan when they are losing again and again." "Wow," I thought, how could I not be? I understand that watching Michigan fail is some perverse payback for those who have found Michigan too haughty, too aristocratic. Or to those that have heard “Hail, Hail…” one too many times.

But to the people who ask...they have obviously never been apart of something like Michigan.
The football team is a just a small representation of my passion. And while some might say we failed again this weekend. I look at it like we played 2 good quarters. And just you wait, you unaffiliated football fan, you aren't a "real" fan without real loyalty.

"Here I am, in Ann Arbor....coached by Olympians, taught by Nobel Prize winners, and I party with All-Americans on the weekends. In the training room I sit next to Big Ten Champions, one of my mentors is the president of the US Olympic committee, and I meet with prize-winning authors during their office hours. I take class notes next to national/collegiate/ Big 10 record holders and I walk to class with members of a national championship team. I open doors once opened by Oscar winners, former Presidents and astronauts... it's all in a day's work of a Michigan student-athlete"

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