Saturday, January 2, 2010

Goodbye 09, Hello...

I keep wanting to say 010, but I guess it really is 10. I wonder how many times I'll make that mistake?

Baby Update:
Things are going a lot better. I am starting to feel like a normal, active person again. The nausea is almost all gone but the fatigue is still pretty rampant. I'm having trouble learning to sleep on my side and I thoroughly enjoy waking Nick up to tell him that I can't sleep or I have to pee...again!
At 16 weeks, I finally "popped." It still looks like a flat tire around my midsection but those that know I am pregnant keep wanting to touch it and look at it. Is that weird? Should I say yes, because up to this point it is definitely a no!
Now at 17 weeks, I am waiting to feel the first movements, maybe it will start making this whole process real because up to this point it is just a pain in the ass!

1 comment:

Lesley Novak said...

Haha! Love how you're calling preganacy a "pain in the ass"!