Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This is My Midweek Pee Story

So today...I went swimming, I swam for an hour and had to relieve myself (1) right before exiting the pool. For those of you that didn't grow up swimming, this is totally acceptable in the swimming community. Why? #1 Pee is sterile and #2 The chlorine/chemicals kill whatever bacteria there is within in 2.5 seconds. Upon exiting the pool, I went to the locker room and changed to go running. I proceeded to pee again (2) before heading up to the treadmill. I hopped on the treadmill and advanced about .25 miles before deciding that it was imperative to my own well-being that I stop running and go to the bathroom (3). At this point, I am sort of laughing at the whole situation but I was positive that I will be comfortable for the rest of my 2.75 miles of running. But wait, I ran another half mile and had to pee again! Here, I am thinking, I have done tougher things then this, try to run another half mile and then you can take a pee break. Well I made it another quarter mile before I thought I might die of uncomfortableness (4). Now, running the last 1.75 miles wasn't any cakewalk. I had to use it the entire time, but switching between walking and running seemed to help. Needless to say, I peed (5) one more time before heading to the showers.

This is why pregnancy sucks!

P.S. We're getting cable TV today! We made it an entire year without television but the lure of the winter olympics made it too hard to resist. Yay, for returning to the civilized world!


Erica said...

Nick just decided to tell me that the chemicals can't kill the ammonia and heavy metals in my urine. But I don't really care, I still pee in pools!

Jenni said...

I pee in pools too...and the shower. Some think its gross but aren't we "saving water"?? So glad you are back to TV. Now get caught up on Greys, PP and The Bachelor so we can talk!