Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are you in labor?

We live in an incredibly small town. And because the hospital is the biggest employer in town, I know people that work here. So I have seen several people today that have all asked the same question, "are you in labor?"
Now that is a hard question to answer...we were admitted into the hospital a 4am this morning after my water broke at 2am. I had also had pathetic but consistent contractions every 3 minutes all morning. It seemed like everything was going perfectly and too easily...then everything stopped!
The new nurses wanted to test me to see if my water "really" did break. They kept saying, "you'd be surprised how fetal movement can make you pee yourself!" I knew I didn't pee myself, it didn't even come out the same hole! Also, those consistent contractions mysteriously stopped hurting all together. Anyway, all is well and we are starting induction at 2pm. The time is here and we'll start the waiting game until baby Waelty joins us in this big bad world.


Jessica said...

woohoo! how exciting!

Erin Wilson said...

Good luck, Erica!! So very exciting!!