Sunday, July 18, 2010

Charlie: Two Months

Charlie turned 7 weeks on Friday. It is crazy how fast our little man is growing up (cliche?) but he is getting so big! I spent the weekend retiring his newborn clothes to storage and pulling out all the 0-3 month outfits. I am guessing he is probably around 10 pounds and while his head looks huge, his arms, legs and torso are just freakishly long. We see a lot of half smiles but no genuine (there is my mama) smiles. But while he is a little behind the curve on the facial muscle front...he is extremely advanced when it comes to head/neck strength and using those legs muscles. Nick thinks he can stand independently, and well, Charlie thinks he can too. That is why he spends the majority of his waketime on his feet because he gets pissed if you try to lay him down or sit him on his bottom. He is in his happy place when he is standing on his feet (his only other happy place is sleeping).

Speaking of happy places, I will not claim that we have a happy baby. He is riddled with gas and reflux. But he is slowly working through these things and has found a new calm the last few days.

I will make the claim that we have a really good sleeper. His nights are getting longer and he only gets up once to eat. He does wake us up over the monitor, in the AM, to a musical of farts...loud, long, drawn out farts. He lets out his sigh of relief and falls back into his comfortable slumber.

As for his Mama...we are trying to take it day by day. I have to remind myself not to wish away the days. I am constantly thinking about the future...when will he sleep through the night? When will he sit up on his own? When can I stop nursing? But he won't be this small or perfect for forever and I just need to enjoy it now. I miss my mom and sister more than ever and am looking forward to a little help with long trip back to Indy next month. As for his Dad...he is so good with Charlie and so helpful to me. He is enjoying his role, making up songs and reading him books. He even lets me go for a workout or take a quick nap in the evenings after a long day a work. We love him!

Enjoy some pictures from the last week...

1 comment:

Erin said...

Erica! You are so cute! (So is Charlie!) You're doing a great job being a momma (and updating your blog! Much better at that than our friend Dana!) It sounds like you have yourself a great little sleeper! That is such a blessing! And total bummer that he has reflux...hopefully you figure something out that works for him (and you) and it doesn't cost $200 a month for a prescription!

Now, to answer your questions ;-)!
1. Sleeping through the night. Technically, he might already be! 5 hours between feedings is considered just that. But, not to our standards! Anyway, he might just drop that feeding all on his own very soon! Our Ped told me that when babies are 13lbs they have the stomach capacity to go all night without eating. I just hope you don't have to let him learn to self-soothe!
2. Nursing. You can stop whenever you're ready! If you enjoy it, keep going. If you don't, there's nothing wrong with formula! You can still bond with him over a bottle!
3. Sitting up on his own! He might start trying to really do it around 4 months and master the skill around 5!

Just don't wish your baby boy to grow too fast! He'll be your own personal trainer before you know it!