Friday, October 29, 2010

Charlie: 5 Months

Mister Charlie,
I think last month was the calm before the storm. Just today you started screaming; awful, horrible high- pitched screams. I think you actually scare yourself a little bit. My thoughts went straight to something my mother used to say,
" I brought you into this world, I can take you out!"
Wow really...
Now that I have written it, it seems a little harsh.
But think of it more as..."I gave you that scream, I can take it away!"

You are a full time tummy sleeper, with your arms tucked up tight underneath you (like your mama).

You only giggle if we work really hard and you rarely let us video those high pitch laughs.
Outside is still your happy place.
You can sit up for about a minute before you collapse in half. And while you love flying in the air over our heads; you love rolling a lot more.

You still throw up, a lot. But I think its getting better OR we are just getting used to it. I am always equipped with a bib and a burp cloth!
You just started taking showers with us and you LOVE how the water drips over your face!
You are still really long, approximately 27 inches...but fairly lean at only 14 lbs.
You are bored/distracted/frustrated when you nurse, and would prefer a never-ending/fast flowing bottle to the boob any day.
AND you are
finally sleeping 12 full hours at night, in addition to 3 x 90 minute naps during the day.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

holy cow, erica! that picture of charlie in that tie tshirt is great! loved hearing him laugh in the video! that kid is too cute!