Sunday, November 28, 2010

Charlie: 6 Months

Our little boy has lived a half of year already!
Charlie, so little has happened this month, but in a big sort of way. We've had a lot of fussing and drooling this month, which resulted in a tiny bottom tooth (just one). When you weren't reminding us how much pain that tooth was causing you, you were hamming it up for us or the mirror. You love when people watch you do something special, like sit up or get on all fours.

You've also became quite an eater. You have tried banana, avocado, sweet potato and mango in the last two weeks. You'll eat anything! Some of your other favorites include but are not limited to our watches, the remote control, paper and glasses.

You've also dropped a nap and are currently taking only two a day. This was hard for us to adjust to but you fell into your new routine perfectly. You also have started saying your "da" sound which sounds a lot like "dada." I've been slightly offended, but it has suitingly gone along with your new found affection for your daddy.

Not much has changed weight or height wise, you are still holding steady at about 27 inches and 14 lbs. Our goal this month is to put some meat on those bones!

We are looking forward to spending our first Christmas with you in Florida, surrounded by family and warmer weather!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

6 months already!!!???