Thursday, March 3, 2011

Charlie: 9 Months

We've had a busy month, with only one picture to show for it! Charlie tried blueberries this morning, so I snapped a quick photo...just so I could blog during nap time.

Charlie started going to an at-home childcare a few days a week and he absolutely loves it! Miss Emily has two little boys, a 3 year old and a 1 year old that Charlie follows around all day. She says he keeps up really well and he is always exhausted (and dirty) by the time he comes home...which is a small victory in itself because he is impossible to wear out. And with our new family motto being "Work Hard, Be Nice" it is only suiting that I start working again. SO, just this month I started back to work with a marketing position up at Dodge Ridge. Unfortunately for me, the "work hard" part of the motto needed to be applied to something other than working out at the gym...
Enough about me, lets get back to the boy. He just had his nine month appointment at the doctor. All is good...he looks super healthy, weighing in at just over 18 pounds and 28 inches. When the doctor asked if I have any questions or concerns...I tried to mention the fact that his favorite toy is his bottle (full or empty) and if you try to take it away he screams bloody murder. But he replied with "that's just his personality!" except that in 3 months it won't be in his life anymore and I'm already trying to figure out how we are going to go about the mourning process...funeral? cold turkey? Or maybe we should just name it and let him keep one in his crib to avoid the battle? I can already hear my sister..."he's too old to be drinking out of a bottle, Ellie weaned herself at 4 months..."
Speaking of slow...he can't wave bye-bye or play patty cake, much to the chagrin of the doctor. But lets talk about what he can do...say momma and dada, possibly baby. He can scream really loud in public places, he can stand on his own for about 15 seconds and he can say va-room when he plays with his cars! By the way...we started working on patty cake and he's really close to getting it!


Jessica said...

i can't get over how big he is now. he's got some much personality, he's not a little baby anymore.

nick said...

He can wave bye bye now!

Jenni said...

cold turkey