Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm. a. Monkey's. Uncle.

I'm calling "uncle".
The flu won...beat the Waelty's to a pulp.
I never get sick. Let me say that again, I NEVER get sick.

I haven't had a fever or the flu in decades. The last time I remember vomiting from sickness (not hungoverness) had to be when Jeb and I got the flu at the same time and he came over to spend the day with us. I vividly remember him telling me about going "number 2" and throwing up at the same time. I really believed him. But now, I just think he was trying to top my ability to only do one at a time. But I digress...

I can't claim invincibility any longer! Charlie unleashed the flu beast on Monday, I caught it on Thursday and I am pretty sure it's going to hit Nick within the next 24 hours.

Death. I thought I died. Not only did I think I was dying...but I called into work...SICK! In all my days as a working professional, I've never called in sick. It has definitely been a source of pride in my professional life, and within two months of starting a new job, I called in SICK. Evil Flu!

The only positive to all this sickness...Charlie was calm enough to sleep on our chests for the first time since he was a newborn. We kinda loved it.

1 comment:

nick said...

Ha. still haven't caught it