Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Charlie, how old are you?

Our little boy is no longer an infant, he can officially be classified as a toddler...an extremely mobile one, as he adamantly demonstrated on the trip to Indiana.
We began our trip with a flight delay on the tarmac in San Francisco.
Side note: If there is ANY chance of a flight delay, and I'm walking onto a plane with a very active little boy/new walker, it should be a requirement that airport personnel give all the other passengers the option of forgetting the flight via "men in black" neuralyzers...to wipe witnesses memory of inevitable meltdown.
Side note over.

Long story short, my little angel screamed for the duration of the flight.
4 hours, yup FOUR flippin hours!
Oh wait, we were also delayed in Chicago and when we finally boarded the plane at 1:30am. He endured another 40 minutes before passing out mid-cry upon the landing.
Well, we made it to Mimi's house and the boy was a total champ for the rest of the trip.

We celebrated Charlie's first birthday on Friday. We had a nice mix of relatives and friends come out to a BBQ. Charlie got to see his buddy Grant for the second time and they proceeded to avoid eye contact and play around each other. To their credit, it's always a little awkward after not seeing someone for awhile...right? We also got to visit with Dana and Darcy!
We sang Happy Birthday, and the birthday boy loved all the attention and the cool racecar cake Aunt Jenni got for him!

On Sunday, we handed off the boy to Aunt Jenni so he could spend the day with his cousins Aiden and Ellie. Nick, Matt and I headed to the track to watch the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500. It was an awesome race, and an exciting finish. We lost out on twenty bones because Dixon and Franchetti couldn't get the job done, but it was worth it to see a great race.

On Monday, we spent the day out on the lake, enjoying another 90 degree day, beer and wake surfing.

We had so much fun with the Clarke's and Mimi/Baba. We are so grateful for their hospitality and can't wait to come back again soon.

BTW, if you ask Charlie how old he is, he'll show you. He's so gifted!

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