Monday, September 5, 2011


Charlie and I spent the last seven days in the only two places I could call home, prior to California. Indianapolis and Ann Arbor.
You CANNOT beat September in the Midwest, I know, I say it every time. BUT. It is like this amazing combination of blue skies/humidity/back to school/fall and football. There is like a certain "smell" in the air. It's just awesome.
Not to mention, the coolest playmates in all the land, his "big kid" cousins...Aiden and Ellie. And the most awesomest doggie on that side of the Mississippi (yeah, I just sang that to remember how to spell it)...Rudy. Needless to say, Charlie had a blast. He actually confided in me on the way home that he wanted to move there. Yup, Indiana.
Now, how do we convince his father...?

We also got to hang out with his super gnarly, grandparents. Mimi and Baba. And Papa Miguel. And his"Uncle" Jake. (I quote uncle, not because he isn't his real uncle but because he is only six months older, yeah, my family is "modern." What's it to you?)

I'm sure you are looking at these pictures, wondering about the "party in the back."

Well, it runs in the family.

I went north this past weekend, to probably, my most favorite place in the whole wide freakin' world. I got heart palpitations as I took the State St. exit off of 94. It just brings back the most incredible memories. Mind you, it was like 90 and sunny AND September! Ask me about walking to swim practice at 5:30 in the morning of my freshman year in January and I'll tell you a totally different memory. BUT I spent the weekend with the girls in a lot of those good and bad memories and it was just so great to be surrounded by such strong, successful, like-minded females. Ah, such a refreshing weekend. Thanks Ladies! Enjoy the photos.


anne said...

Yes you should move back to Indiana. Nick would grow to love it :)

Jessica said...

it sounds like you need a sealock visit stat! you guys around this weekend? i promise no bday business.