Monday, September 12, 2011

Charlie: 15 Months

Woah, Woah...Slow Down!
My baby turned fifteen months at the end of August.
And I didn't mention it on the blog,
because if I didn't talk about it...
well, it didn't exist...right?

He seems "brand new" and "big boy" at the same time and I just can't decide which I love more. He is this crazy awesomeness of a kid, who usually involves big highs and big lows (more highs) and whom I can hardly keep up with throughout the day. If I turn my head slightly to acknowledge the old people that think he is "sooooooo handsome (I agree)," he's either got one foot in the pool, tearing his diaper off in exhibitionist mayhem or screaming at the top of his lungs in the middle of the gym parking lot.

(exhibit one = My Vision of Charlie)
I have this whole parenting thing u.n.d.e.r. control.

Most days, I have no idea on what we're are doing.
Fifteen months later, we still wonder if we are molding this little being into a contributing member of our crazy world. But we are doing our best,
he is growing bigger and taller and smarter.
That is the goal, right?
(exhibit two = my REAL Charlie)
15 Month Stats

Height: 32 Inches
Weight: 24.7 pounds

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i miss the little dude. glad he's doing well.