Tuesday, October 18, 2011

San Jose Del Cabo

We're back!
We're rested, relaxed and waterlogged!
Well, only Charlie is waterlogged...but that is because he hasn't quite mastered blowing out, instead of sucking in when he is underwater. His ass is as red as Mars on a particularly high iron oxide day (why? because babies get diarrhea when they drink too much chlorinated water, fyi).

This is how he spent the majority of his vacation.

The Waelty family just spent five days in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico for a short (waaaaay tooooo short) 30th birthday celebration. We did absolutely nothing, hence the very little I have to update you all on. 
We played a lot cards, read a lot of books and slept, well, a lot.
"fish, fish, fish"
"Hola, Dad"
 He LOVED the ocean, must be like his Dad.
 Nick spent about 3 hours a day...
on this board, in this ocean.

A few highlights...
The locals asked (more than once), what special cream we used on a Charlie's skin. 
Is he that white?

The the cook at the closest taco truck, where we ate lunch everyday, 
asked if she could babysit Charlie so we could go "party" in Cabo San Lucas...
Um, yeah, no.

What the "f**k were they thinking giving Mexico Baja California when they wrote up the Treaty of Gaudalupe Hidalgo. Can we go back a fight the Mexican/American war and add Baja into the equation? Kinda LOVED it.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

So jealous of this vacation!