Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Charlie: 18 Months

You are a year and half old this week! I must say, this has been my absolute favorite stage so far!You have genuine emotion on your face at all times. You are either completely joyful or utterly pissed off and it can change in the blink of an eye. You are saying so many words, but mostly just repeating the last word of my questions.
Momma: Do you want to go outside?
Charlie: Outside!
M: Do you want to eat?
C: Eat!
M: Did you go poop?
C: Poop! (hehe)
Or even your favorite game with Daddy....

so many words!

It has been really fun to watch you turn into such a little man, running around the park or crashing your trucks together. It just solidifies that 18 months later, we are all figuring out this family life, slowly but surely.

You dropped your morning nap at about 15 months and are now sleeping between 2 and 3 hours in the afternoon. Love! Love! that you are an incredible sleeper. You sleep 6:30pm-6:30am and go hard all hours in between.

You've got some issues too!.
If this particular truck look like this, it triggers a tantrum

No big deal, if it looks like this...
Shoes! You aren't a big fan of anything but the standard Keen. I've bought you some fabulous snow boots, rain boots, hiking shoes and baby Toms but you always proceed to throw a massive fit and tear them off your feet. Oh, just let you wear the Keen's! Right? Well you also refuse to wear socks and sandals (totally, understandable!) but it's now winter.

And Fur! A friend of ours bought you the cutest baby mountain hat, fur lined and super warm.
Uh, meltdown. OR, another friend has a cowhide rug and when we visit, you proceed to walk around it or cry until we cover it with a blanket. I'm pretty sure you were a PETA spokesperson in your previous life because in addition to the fur aversion, when the vulchers come around, you start to cry.

We love you through it all!
Mom and Dad

 A pretty standard night at the Waelty house.

18 Month Stats
 Height: 33 Inches
Weight: 27 lbs 11 oz.

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