Monday, November 21, 2011

I am a product of the self/over-indulgent baby boomer generation, my generation is full of takers. I was that kid who woke up to dozens of gifts under the tree and still threw a fit when I didn't get everything I had on my list.
So in an effort to not make Charlie into a little brat, we have decided on the "want, need, wear, read" tradition at Christmas time. And in doing so, I hope to restore a some simplicity to the holidays.

I originally read about this tradition on a mommy blog and was immediately excited, thinking, "ALONE we will combat consumerism!!!" And yes, I too still struggle, but maybe we can make it a little easier on our kids, a tad simpler. And so we embark on our first holiday with only four gifts. I'm pretty sure he won't mind.
Because four is better than ZERO.
Yup, last year he didn't get anything! (Did I just hear you gasp?! Yes, we are horrible parents).

And I have finished shopping, so here goes...

Want: Brio My First Railway Train Set
Need: an electric toothbrush (this kid has horrible morning breath)
Wear: The most adorable Gap sweater!
Read: Where is my belly button? He might be a little obsessed with this orifice and since I keep mine hidden in deep rolls, its always a challenge for him to find. But he still the grocery store and on airplanes.

Nick and I have also talked about adding a "give" part to this tradition, and because our local schools are in pretty rough shape, we'll be helping the local teachers through an amazing resource called

Happy Thanksgiving!

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