Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hetch Hetchy Reservoir

News Flash: We skipped winter.
Yup, the Mother Nature of the California chapter, just decided it wasn't in the cards this year.

So, we Waelty's, decided to take advantage of another beautiful weekend and go to Yosemite before Highway 120 will close for road repairs. I let Nick choose the hike and he picked an area he is really familiar with, Hetch Hetchy Reservoir! Nick works at the reservoir all the time, except he is one of the lucky few that get to take a boat on the water, he has never actually done the Wapama Falls Hike.

The Wapama Falls hike was a pretty easy 5.5 mile out and back, but any hike is harder when you have a 28 pound toddler on your back. I agreed to carry Charlie and Nick didn't argue, but wow, he was SO heavy but SUCH a trooper, he had so much fun! He sang in my ear, talking the entire way out about the water and the rocks. He's becoming quite the chatterbox these days!

We all had a blast and agreed that we don't do this often enough, this is our freakin' backyard!


Lauren said...

You guys and Charlie are so lucky. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures of our country. Support your local and national parks!

Jessica said...

Sweet pictures! Looks awesome!