Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mack: One Month

photo credit to Joleen Willis
Our sweet boy is already one month old, and it is totally bittersweet...He is slowly starting to figure out life and I am finally starting to figure out him, which is lovely! But he has already grown out of his newborn clothes and it is hitting me that this is last time I'll have a baby so small, which is sad.

Mack, eats, sleeps and cries. He is rarely awake and in this case, I would consider him a fairly fussy baby. But, like I said, I am slowly figuring him out and one thing I know for sure, is he loves being close to his mama. As long as we're close, things are good enough.

In a lot of ways, he is a lot like Charlie...he is sleepy, not a great nurser, gassy, and grumpy. On top of all that, his nights are much worse. We are lucky if his longest stretch is over three hours!
Does it sound like life is miserable? It's not! I'm a lot more calm this time around and just going with the flow. I know this time will pass and he'll be rolling over, smiling and sleeping through the night in just a matter of weeks. And he's my baby, a little extra cuddle time isn't horrible...

All in all, we are good. Nick goes back to work Monday and our lives will resume to our new version of normalcy. It's chaotic and fun. We have a lot to learn, but that is part of this process called life!

A face only a mother could love?
1 Month Stats (5 weeks)...
Weight: 9 pounds 6 ounces
Height: 23.25 Inches

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love his hair!