Saturday, December 8, 2012

Random, Unsolicited Bullet Points on Life

  • I'm tired. But just when I think I can't do another night, my sweet boy gives me a wonderful five hour stretch followed by a four hour stretch. Sleep is a beautiful thing.
  • Charlie has been in time-out seven times today. In between his 20 minute stints in solitary (his room), he is a puffy eyed, running nose, whiny butt of sickness. But pu-leese, can't a child cope? Guess who wins the favorite child award for the day?
  • I've been running for about two weeks now, and just yesterday, I felt slightly less jiggly.
  • My husband is pretty awesome, and after five weeks off of work for his paternity leave, I was only slightly ready for him to go back. No lie, I missed him at home, he helped out more than I gave him credit for...but life needed to get back to normal. It was a rough week on my own, but it will get better!
  • Mack is on a pretty great schedule here and I'm obsessing over tracking it on the baby connect app. I love looking at the sweet graphs and seeing those night time stretches get longer and longer.
  • Speaking of Mack, his wake time consists of this...
  • or this...
get used to it, kid. 
  • Three new Waelty boys for the month of November. Mack, Jonah and Emmett
  • Oh, and Mack rolled over twice, from tummy to back, yesterday. I didn't see it either time, so part of me thinks I may be loosing my mind. ...but I'm pretty sure I laid him on his tummy when I walked out of the room and came back to him on his back. 

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