Monday, December 17, 2012

Charlie: 2.5 years

We've been all sorts of busy and not so much at the same time. Having a new baby does that to a family. I've been home for the last two months, just taking things a day at a time, trying to figure out my new job description. But at the end of November, Charlie hit his half birthday. It's crazy, the difference six months can make when you've only been around for a couple years.
Charlie is growing so much. He is a total chatterbox. Its very rare to be in his company and to have any silence. When he runs out of things to say, he asks us to talk. He has been at his preschool for a year now and it has been such a great experience for him. He has a group of friends that he talks endlessly about, he knows all his letter sounds and his numbers in English and Spanish. But his favorite part of the day is rhythm and music, he loves dancing and singing and can pick up song lyrics really easily. We spend our free days at the library for story-time, at gymnastics, or walking/riding around the neighborhood.
He has endless amounts of energy and usually opts for running, not walking. He is extremely clumsy. The kid falls dozens of times day. If he isn't falling, tripping or stumbling, he is running into things. At this point, if he falls...we laugh, we are flabbergasted that a child be so awkward. That being said...
He seems pretty athletic and if he would just let go of his apprehensions, he picks things up pretty easily.
Like I said above, he is incredibly suspicious of new situations and remedies his fears with asking to "cuddle."  I don't mind the cuddling, he isn't going to ask for much longer. He's also extremely curious, compassionate, smart and funny.
I think we'll keep him, he's pretty special. 
2.5 Year Stats...
 Height: 38 inches
Weight: 32 pounds

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