Friday, March 1, 2013

Mack: 4 Months

Mack will be/would've been four months old on February 29th...but since that date does not exist this year, you'll have to settle for an update a day late. And Spring is in the air! I didn't know how I would do having a winter baby, being stuck in the house. But on the horrible days, we just stay in and on the nice days we go for a walk or to the park. He loves being we spend as much time on the porch or walking as the weather or the daylight allows.
Mack is doing all sorts of fun things this month, he is rolling from back to front and front to back. He is tripod sitting for several seconds, he has found his hands and sucks his thumb. He grabs at toys and brings them to his mouth. And he is gnawing and drooling, leading me to believe a tooth might be in our near future.
He is still just the sweetest, easiest thing when he is awake. He watches his brother and follows the tornado that he creates around the living room. He loves to stand and bounce with us or in the johnny jump-up. He smiles and giggles if you tickle him or make raspberries on his little belly. He absolutely loves his bath or shower time, especially when it involves Charlie.
He is nursing a lot better, still a very quick eater, but he is clearly growing bigger and stronger. I tend to pump a few times a day because he doesn't always empty a side and I want to make sure my supply stays up. Four months is where I noticed a decrease in my supply with Charlie.

Sleep. There have been a lot of tears this month...from him and me, because sleep hasn't been so easy and wonderful. He is constantly challenging me in the sleep department...I did a more detailed post here. But he is currently tummy sleeping, un-swaddled in his crib for naps. He's napping anywhere from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours. His long nighttime stretches are averaging 7-8 hours. I swaddle him at night, because he is still in his bassinet and I don't want him flipping quite yet. Our goal schedule on any given day...

Mack's Schedule
7am: Wake & Feed
8:30am: Nap #1
10am: Wake & Feed
11:30am: Nap #2
1:30pm: Wake & Feed
3pm: Nap #3
5pm: Wake & Feed
7pm: Feed & Bedtime Routine

4 Month Stats...
Weight: 13 pounds 10 ounces
Height: 26.5 Inches


Jessica said...

Man rolling over is hard work! He looks like a flipped turtle. =)

Erica said...

Not to brag...but he has become so much more efficient these days that he rolled off the couch last night. He's fine. Yeah, I felt horrible.