Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mack: 5 Months

Our Mack-Man...our restless and content little man is already 5 months old.

Those traits don't usually go together but he is this perfect combination of non-stop movement and ease.
This boy does not stop moving, his arms are either flailing, legs pumping, he's rolling or standing. He rolls all around our floors, making it tough to change a diaper or catch his constant spit-up (mildly frustrating). But with all that movement, he is surprisingly observant in new situations or at family gatherings, especially if it's really noisy, he just takes it all in.
The evenings are my favorite, because Charlie is in hyper mode and Mack thinks that is the best! He'll laugh and smile indefinitely. I look forward to the time when he can participate, but do enjoy sitting back and watching their bond really grow.  This is a pretty common evening scenario...
Nursing is still a mix of good and bad. If he's nursing and there are absolutely any distractions, he stops eating. It could be something as small as me talking or trying to pick up my phone. It takes him twice as long to feed him a bottle and he rarely finishes it. The boy just isn't that interested in food. That's a weird concept to all of us, we Waelty's like to eat. But, this is a typical post nursing face, so I assume he's getting enough.

Speaking of eating. We tried solids this month! We started with oatmeal cereal (it has a little more nutritional value than rice) and he was so ready! He had no tongue reflex, allowing him to gobble it up! He suffered from major gas pains from the oatmeal. Our doc suggested we try "real food," so I mashed up some bananas and breastmilk. The next day he broke out in a rash, so we're going forget solids and re-introduce them next month. He hasn't seemed to notice, so we'll try again soon.

Sleep is going to be split up into two categories, daytime and nighttime sleep. Daytime sleep has been blissful. It is like a switch was flipped and he learned how to bridge that 45 minute sleep transition. He usually gives us two really great naps and one short nap per day. Nighttime sleep is a whole other ball game, one I'll possibly (if I have the energy) detail in a later post. But he's currently eating once per night and usually waking up happy.
He's loving on bathtime, watching Charlie and sophie the giraffe these days. His temperament is really mild and indifferent. His smiles are coming out more often and Charlie has to be pretty rough with him for him to cry. I'm anxious to see how this changes as he starts to make himself mobile.

As far as milestones, nothing really new, he is still tripod sitting but getting a little more stable. It seems as if his head is too heavy to lift up. No teeth either...drooling a lot, but I don't see anything coming soon. He loves grabbing for his toys and his feet, bringing everything into his mouth. I have a feeling he is going to be one of those kids that puts everything in his mouth. He did start screaming/screeching this week, which is pretty stinkin cute, but only because it is new.
I actually feel a special sense of sentiment with Mack, he isn't clingy and will go to anyone, but because Nick and I are in "divide and conquer" mode a lot of the time...I take Mack and he takes Charlie, I know what every single movement or what each sounds means. And in that sense, it seems easier than it did the first time around. He really is such a sweet baby.
 5 Month Stats...
Weight: 15 pounds
Height: 27 inches

If you're interested, here is Charlie's five month post, they are surprisingly similar...with the exception of the whole sleep thingy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is so stinkin cute! Can't believe he has been around for 5 months!