Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mack: 9 Months

Nine Months. Whoa.
Nine things you need to know about our little man this month...
  1. Say HELLO to Mr. Personality. Mack's personality has emerged this month. And he has an opinion about everything! Usually high pitched, ear piercing screams about all the important stuff in life, like more attention or more food.
  2. When he thinks something is funny he sucks in so much air it makes him cough. Making his laugh pretty infectious. We're laughing with you, Mack. Not at you. Promise.
  3. He's not really into learning to walk. Yes, I know he's still young but he's been crawling for four months. He does stand on his own for several seconds, but then he slowly squats down and crawls about his merry way.
  4. He has just learned how to wave hello. He's not super into it, but if I try long enough he'll wave to himself in the mirror. We are still working on clapping.
  5. He cries for his mama when I'm not around. (kinda, sorta love this fact) 
  6. He puts everything in his mouth and doesn't really mind the taste of dirt, sand or leaves.
  7. I think he's left sided. He seems to push up to stand with his left leg and grab things with his left hand. Ironically, his left eye seems a bit lazy. Do you think?
    8. He has officially unrolled three rolls of toilet paper. Currently, the bathroom his off limits to this kid because I sick of using waded up tp that has been bunched in my sink and then washing my hands in the kitchen. AND because he also loves using the toilet as his own personal water play area. Not once, but twice he's given himself the beginnings of a swirly (I know, minor safety concern).
    9. And he loves to shake his groove thing to music. He'll be standing in the living room and when a fun song comes on, he starts moving his little booty all around. I die.
    9 Month Stats...
    Weight: 18 pounds 6 ounces
    Height: 29.5 inches

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