Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mrs. Waelty

Hey, that's me!
I went and got a real grown-up job, a teaching job! I've had my California teaching credential for a few years but between making babies, raising babies and the biggest pink slip giveaway in California history, I kinda sorta took a hiatus from finding a teaching job. Well, this year I got hired on at a fabulous little school, about ten minutes from our house, to teach second grade. I'm thrilled. And scared. And excited. And blah blah blah.

Last week was my first week. I survived! I more than survived, it was awesome! It was so great to be back working. Yes, I worried about the boys. But I stressed enough in the weeks leading up to leaving them, that I think I was okay last week. Well maybe I just told myself I was okay, because holy moly, I was emotional. These boys are my everything and it just hurt my heart to leave them. And, boy did I cry. I cried on Monday because I was so worried about Mack. I cried on Wednesday because Monday went so horribly for Charlie and I cried on Thursday, because nobody cared that I was leaving. How fast they recover...

Here's a few pictures of my sweet classroom...
And my obligatory first day of school picture, with a cute little prop!


Aunt Liz said...

Congratulations on your job!

Holly said...

So glad to hear it went wonderfully!