Monday, December 30, 2013

Happenings. RUBPoL.

  • Did you see our Christmas card? I think this is my all time favorite (so far). Have I mentioned how much I love receiving holiday cards? It makes me so happy to open the mail everyday and see all our friends and their beautiful/growing families. 
  • I'm going to do this Happiness Journal for 2014. It isn't because I'm not happy, I'm actually more fulfilled then I have been in a long while. I just want to prioritize life and I think this will help. 
  • We really need, badly. In the meantime, we are having pretty incredible weather. On Christmas Day is was almost 70(!!!!). It is perfect weather for a boy with a butt rash to air it all out...
  • Mack had his first haircut on Friday. He is such a little ham when he wants to be!
  • My mom and Bill are in Florida for a few weeks. I've been trying to get a hold of her to chat about a book we are both reading and this is the text response I get...
  • We are trying to teach Charlie how to ride a bike and it is (quite possibly) one of the hardest things I've ever done. It's a weird mix of ...patience/anger/compassion/confidence building/anger/annoyance. He can balance, he can peddle, but he can't stop himself (he is used to putting his feet down). He just cries (and screams randomly) the whole time we practice. It's SO FRUSTRATING! He needs to "man up" and get a friggin' grip on life. Should I tell him that? Or should I just bribe him with a cookie?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yay for haircuts and your awesome Mom. I seriously need to hang out with her.