Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Random Thoughts

(sans Facebook)
I often brainstorm about my own random thoughts. Recently, I was driving by myself and I forgot to turn on the radio. When this happens, I either check my phone compulsively or get caught up in my own freakishly crazy mind. These are the results of the latter...

1. People often tell me that they love my "Midwest work ethic." I love that compliment. I hope my children have the same work ethic, even if they grow up around "laid back Californians."
2. I hate driving, especially on long trips by myself. Sometimes, I wish I was 15 again and could just constantly have someone else chauffeur me around. I dream of sleeping/working out and commuting at the same time and at this point in our world that can't be done without a chauffeur.
3. I'm abnormally preoccupied with my wrinkles. I sleep/swim/think with a tense face, so wrinkles are imminent. Botox is my fantasy, I would get it today if I could afford it.
4.Nick is my future husband. He is incredible and perfect in every way, but my Aunt Pat swears you can't truly be in love unless you can point out things that you 3:
1. he moves slowly
2. he says "i don't know" instead of "yes" or "no"
3. his lack of life experiences
5. University of Michigan is the best university in all the land. I miss everything about it and I can only hope that my kids will go to school there so I can go visit and pretend I am in college again. Go Blue!
6.People in my life currently tell me I am "wise beyond my years," which is funny because people who knew me 5 years ago would say differently. I've been through a lot, I've grown up a lot and I still have a lot left to learn.
7.We live in a small mountain town in the Sierra Nevada's, our goal is to be out in the next 4 years and be next to a beach. Some days I really love being here, other days I can't wait to get out. If you tell me I won't leave, I'll prove you wrong.
8.Sunny Days...I love sunny days.
9. My grandpa's death changed my life. I was a changed girl on February 17th 2001.
10. I love the water! The white noise of water running over my ears is the most blissful feeling in the entire world.
11. My baby nephew is the cutest thing on earth. I love him so much that I can't imagine what having a baby of your own could possibly feel like.
12.My family is so messed up if you are looking from the outside, but the amount of love is unimaginable. They're all really incredible people.
13. I swam the English Channel because someone told me "you can't"
14. People assume that I am a social butterfly, but I actually get anxiety of awkward conversations.
15. I used to think that if I already had 2 out of these 3 things, things would be perfect and I could find the 3rd:
1. People around me who loved me
2. A city that I loved
3. A job that I loved
I've learned, life is a lot more complicated

1 comment:

anne said...

I guess everyone's thoughts are pretty random huh? I'm glad I'm not alone on that one. ha.