Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ah, Religion

I go to church now.
Yup, me.
I go to church almost every Sunday.
I promised Nick that I would make every attempt to appease his love of the faith and join him on Sunday's. I don't mind it either. I find it fascinating to watch other people pray, but still have no desire to do it myself...

We've been to 2 different types of churches up here.
#1 Scare you into your faith. The pastor preaches week after week: "You're not good enough to make it on your own. You don't have the strength to get through life without God's help, which you don't even deserve because you're a sinner, but he's nice enough to help you anyway, so you'd best be plenty thankful."
#2 Christianity for Dummies: They give you a fill in the blank outline of the week's bible verse mixed in with multimedia, entertaining the socks right off of you! Although #2 does motivate "action" within the community. Which is a positive to any religious affiliation.

Neither one of these churches have yet to persuade me to make the requisite leap of faith. In the words of Jon Krakauer "In the absence of conviction, I've come to terms with the fact that uncertainty is an inescapable corollary of life. An abundance of mystery is simply part of the bargain--which doesn't strike me as something to lament. Accepting the essential inscrutability of existence, in any case, is surely preferable to its opposite: capitulating to the tyranny of intransigent belief."

1 comment:

Balazers said...

Hey you!! just found your blog, which uses words like intransigent. Come over to mine some day... I talk about diapers and Dora. HOpe all is well and Congrats... I'm sooo happy for you!