Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We've got a roller...

As I dropped Charlie off at child care last week, the lady quickly told me that he had rolled over. NO, I thought, you're so full of it! He was just 3 months old and I wasn't there and let's be serious...he wouldn't perform such an amazing trick in front of a total stranger...shouldn't he save his talents for the woman that gets up with him at night and has freely given him her boobs?

As the next few days passed he didn't show any desire to showcase a new talent so I didn't even think that she had been serious. Then, with the video camera rolling, in an attempt to get a smile for Mimi...he rolled over for me! (he was 100% naked in the original, so another video is below). So as I sent the video to my family, I was so impressed with my little man...now I just want to kill myself.

It started yesterday morning, from 5:30am on he rolled himself over 3 times. Now this would be fine a) if he knew how to roll back b) if he liked to be on his stomach c) if he couldn't die of SIDS.
But none of those things apply to Charlie... He hasn't shown that he has the slightest clue on how to turn back over. He hates being on his tummy, despising every moment of "tummytime" since he was born. And everything about SIDS says, they are in the clear after 4 months of age.
So last night, at midnight, when I wake up to him crying...why is he up? Oh, he is on his tummy AGAIN! And 3 more times before he fell asleep 30 minutes later. Oh at 3:45am, who is up again...Charlie on his stomach and 2 more times before he eventually fell asleep on his tummy and that is how I woke him at 6:30am.

Oh wow, be careful what you wish for...

1 comment:

Erin said...

LOL! It is so fun when they start rolling! Although, now you can't just leave him on the couch and go to the bathroom!
We had the same issues with Jack, rolling over and not being able to get back over. Although, he was a tummy sleeper so he'd roll to his back and FLIP OUT! Our Ped suggested letting him "figure it out". How much crying are we going to have to suffer through? But, now I occasionally find him snoozing on his back and happy as a clam! Such a stinker! But, we've definitely had midnight dates b/c of the rollage! Hopefully its a quick turn-over and pat before he dozes off again! But, he'll eventually stop rolling over or get used to sleeping on his belly! (If you're worried about sids, take the bumper off, get a breathable bumper, and keep the ceiling fan on. But, if he's able to roll from back to belly, he should certainly be able to get from his belly to his back! (its supposed to be easier!))

Happy Rolling!!!!