Monday, October 11, 2010

Lovin' the Love

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

I'm a firm believer that you can never be loved by too many people. And one thing is for sure, Charlie will have a lot of love in his life. We recently had a long October weekend to visit friends.

Lesley and Heath Novak came into Sacramento for a wedding, so we made the trip for lunch. Although, we didn't get to see Heath...Lesley spent the long lunch giving Charlie all the love in the world, baby talk and all. He ate it up, enjoying all the snuggles and kisses he could get in one afternoon.

Later that day, we made the drive over to the East Bay so Nick and Wally could go to WhiskeyFest in the city. We got to spend Friday night with Jessica and MacGruber, we went for a long walk and ate really good sushi. On Saturday, everyone woke up early (except Nick) to love on Charlie. Again, he took it all in and enjoyed the attention they gave him. He even got to go out in the garden and see all the cool things the Sealock's are growing! Thanks for the hospitality guys!

Unfortunately, Michigan didn't come off the weekend with a W...maybe it was his new Michigan shirt...

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