Thursday, April 28, 2011

Charlie: 11 Months

Dear Charlie,
When I say "big," I mean "BIG". You are 11 months old today, creeping up on a year old, and you have definitely gained some LBS! You had a growth spurt and are now weighing in at about 20 pounds. You have cut two more teeth this month, giving you four on top and two on the bottom. You've also had your first haircut. People told me to wait, but you look so much better with a little trim around your ears.
You are a full time boy, wearing me out day in and day out.
You love your daddy. You know the sound of his truck and you look out the window, waiting for him to come home.
But my personal favorites, for 11th month, have to be the kisses you've started giving me and the time you'll actually sit still to listen to a book. You're going to be a sweet boy as you grow!
Oh, and you've taken approximately two steps and there is usually food involved..get on with it already!
We love you!

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