Saturday, May 28, 2011

Charlie: One Year

Happy Birthday Charlie!
I cannot believe its been a year. It seems like just yesterday, you snuck up on us and surprised us 3 weeks early. But it's like I always say, if you aren't 15 minutes're late.

You've become such an incredible little boy, and challenged us more than we could've ever imagined. But we couldn't imagine our lives without you. Thank you for the most wonderful year of our lives!

You have had an awesome month. You totally took the plunge and started walking. You wake up every morning and seem a little more thrilled about your new trick.
You have started mimicking...if I push enough, you'll try new words. Just yesterday, while reading a Suess book, you started trying "moo, moo." It sounds a little more like "doo, doo" but you make a really good effort. You say "hi" to everyone, it's pretty rough going through the grocery with such a social boy. We always have to stop and say "hi" to all the old people.
You seem a lot more aware this month, pointing curiously, at everything. You are always pointing at your crib (because of your blankie) and food is also a big one.

Charlie, we love you and Happy Birthday!

12 Month Stats
Height: 30 Inches
Weight: 21.6 pounds

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Charlie!