Monday, March 5, 2012

Charlie: 21 Months

Charlie aka Chatterbox,
You've really turned a corner, in the last few months, on the talking front. You are in your twenties now, months, I mean and saying so many words, phrases and thingys long enough to be sentences but aren't quite sentences! Your Dad and I are having a lot of fun trying to figure out what you are talking about at any given time. Well, UNLESS, it's in the middle of one of those tantrums we've been experiencing a lot these days and I'm pretty sure even if we have figured out your words, it's not good enough.
 I'm sure one day we'll look back and laugh at the fact that you have absolutely no coping skills after 5pm.

Despite the small preview of the twos you are giving us, you are more fun then ever. You are making decisions on big things, like if you want to go to the park or play with trains or what you want to wear to school. On Monday, you wore your Santa pajama top and I pretended to be okay with your choice. Your Dad and I are trying to empower you into big-boyhood by giving you lots of choices and it is pretty fun to see you rise to the occasion. Maybe one day you'll be branded the smelly kid at school for wearing your PJ's and you'll make better choices but until then...rock that Santa shirt!
Your personality is becoming more apparent everyday. We've always thought of you as a bit reckless, but we've been pleasantly surprised to see a cautious side of you emerge over the last few months. You seem to be a little more circumspect and size up the situation or the obstacle before taking your leap of faith.You still seem to have excessive amounts of energy, running circles around us (literally and metaphorically), but we like playing catch up and chase and hearing your beautiful, contagious giggle. It truly brightens our lives.
And for being an only child, you are really learning how to share with your friends or peers. It has been fun to watch you grow from being very single minded, to understanding "turns" and "sharing." We still have several moments of "mine" but every once in a while I catch a glimpse of the compassionate boy we'll see more and more of as you get older. We love you!

21 Month Stats...
Weight: 29ish lbs
Height: 34 + Inches
All our love, 
Mom and Dad

Oh, and we had a big ole birthday in our house last week...
Nick turned 30!
Woohoo, welcome to the club, husband. 
We love you!


Jessica said...

Cute! Ugh, we miss that kid and you guys too! =) Hopefully Wally can get a project or 2 under his belt to bring us some cash flow so we can come and visit.

Erica said...

We're pretty free in April, we'll plan a visit!