Tuesday, May 15, 2012

138th Running of the Kentucky Derby

A few months ago, my Uncle Bob called and invited us to come down for the Kentucky Derby. I was already planning on taking Nick to Nashville for a few days to celebrate his 30th birthday, so I was thrilled to be able to surprise him with a "life list"event. We have both always wanted to go to the Derby so, of course, I had to take him up on the offer.

We had originally planned on just getting infield tickets and enjoying the drunken version of the derby that would have been so incredibly fun just a few short years ago. But coincidentally, my Aunt Mary, had gotten a email the week before from a law firm in Louisville offering suite tickets, and she was fast on her feet. She scored us two suite tickets in the infield, right behind the winners circle. Now, this did alter our wardrobe choices a bit, but it was totally worth the air conditioning, cushioned seating, spectacular views of the race and all the free booze a pregnant gal couldn't drink (but her husband could...)

The Derby was on the same day at the Mini-Marathon, so I knew it was going to be a crazy day, but well worth all the chaos. We showered quickly and jumped in the car within an hour of finishing the run, to make the drive to Louisville. We met my Uncle Bob and he briefed us on all the etiquette and wagering ways of the track, preparing us for something we had never experienced. When you walk into Churchill Downs, it is like stepping back in time, the twin spires are breathtaking and the whole experience was kinda surreal. We wanted to experience the "wagering window," so with script in hand we both took turns placing our bets.
We chose our horses, me picking Dullahan and Optimizer (her sire was English Channel). Nick did an "exacta box" on I'll Have Another and Bodemeister (making him the big winner for the day.)
We slowly made our way to the infield tunnel, people watching the entire way, it is quite a sight to see from the southern ladies dressed in custom made frocks and hats, to the college kids already passed out from too many mint juleps. Our suite was just behind the winners circle, so we got a spectacular view of the twin spires and the original structure. We made it to the suite in time to hydrate (it was 90+ degrees) and enjoy three races prior to the actual Derby. The build up to the Derby was my favorite part, all the excitement that came with the parade of horses, the "call to post" by the bugler and the blanket of roses coming out to the winners circle. But my absolute favorite part was the singing of "My Old Kentucky Home." Now, I only know the first line, but it was great to be there and hum along, knowing it was a big part of the Derby and how proud the locals are in that moment. The race was a blur, it was hard to tell which horse was which and we all found ourselves asking "who won?" for a good two minutes after it was over...but it was such thrill to be part of it and I'm glad I got to share this experience with Nick. Happy 30th!

All in all, it was a fabulous day and we are so grateful to my Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary for giving us the best Derby experience we could've ask for, enjoy the pictures...


Jenni said...

Great pictures! So jealous of that experience!

nick said...

Check that one off the life list!