Monday, May 28, 2012

Charlie: Two years

Is this not the sweetest picture?
Happy 2nd Birthday! I'm pretty sure you had the most fabulous day. You slept in until 7:30am (which was your gift to us)! Instead of wanting to eat, which is always your first priority, you wanted to open your gift. We got you a garbage truck and we struggled to pull you away from it for the other birthday activities. You eventually ate breakfast, and I finally got you in your swimsuit for Daddy to take you swimming. You swam the rest of the morning away... After nap, we went to Murphys and had a birthday dinner with Uncle Steve who was in from Colorado. It was a pretty fun day for two year old! Happy Birthday buddy!

You are growing up into such a precious boy. You are always asking us to "cuddle," and both your Dad and I don't mind stopping the daily grind to do so. If you aren't cuddling, your playing hard and talking non-stop. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and are either super happy or sporting the crocodile tears, that are a staple in any two year olds life.You are such a sweet and compassionate boy.

You love going to school and are learning so much! You can count to 10, know the majority of your letter sounds and kinda/sort of know some of your colors. You seem to favor the color orange. Actually, everything is the color orange. You favorite toys are still trucks and trains, but you are your Daddy's son, so that is a given. 

I'd say your favorite activity is swimming and we try to take you a few times a week. You have absolutely no fear and tend to prefer to swim on your own. You are learning your boundaries and after a few hard fought battles, know that running on the pool deck is a automatic ticket home.

As far as potty training, you have absolutely NO interest, so I'm going to give it a few more months. You will still sleep in your crib until "baby botha" takes it from you but I'm pretty terrified of moving you to a big boy bed because you sleep so well! Speaking of "baby botha," I have no idea if you really understand what that means, but you talk about him all the time and its only a matter of time before you have a new built-in best friend. 

We love you much! Thank you for another amazing year!
All our love, 
Mom and Dad

2 Year Stats...
Height: 37 Inches
Weight: 30 pounds

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