Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mimi Visits

It was just a few short weeks ago we were in Indy visiting my family, but with Charlie's birthday at the end of May, I wanted my mom to come out and celebrate the big #2 in Sonora.

It was so great to have her out here, even for just a few days! She got to tag along and see what Charlie and I do on a normal day. And incredibly helpful when Nick and I wanted to get things done together. But most of all, she interacted with him on a level that only a grandma/teacher can...she sang to him, taught him things, bonded with him. He woke up every morning asking for Mimi.
Mom, who?
Dad, who?
Mimi was definitely the apple of his eye for four whole days!

Thanks for traveling out here Mimi! It was so great having you visit!
Celebrating his birthday on Saturday, he loved the "scone."
 A Sunday afternoon trip to Pinecrest Lake

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