Friday, December 28, 2012

Mack: 2 Months

Wow. What a difference a month makes...what once was my super fussy newborn, is now a perfectly sweet two month old baby. It may be that we figured out what makes him tick, implementing the Happiest Baby on the Block techniques or he just had a rough few weeks...but he has turned into (and I never thought I would say this...) an "easy" baby.

We work on a three hour schedule, starting with a 7am feeding. He spends about 20-30 minutes nursing, another 20-30 of wake time, all followed by a two hour nap. repeat. repeat. repeat.
He is really curious when he is awake, staring at a bit of everything, but especially the noise maker (Charlie) and the ceiling fan. He loves his tummy time and when he gets tired, just lays his head down or rolls over. Yup, he has been rolling consistently for a few days now. Crazy! He rarely fusses when he is awake, unless he is ready for another nap. He doesn't even have a "witching hour" in the evening, he just takes in all the chaos and joins in with a few "eh" "uh" noises.

He falls asleep in our arms or in the sling, which unlike last time, is pretty convenient because he doesn't really have a place in our house yet. Right now...his bed is in our guest bathroom...he has to earn his spot in Charlie's room by sleeping through the night (hehe). His nights are pretty good, we have been blessed with a few 6 hour stretches, but most nights start with a 5 hour stretch, then 3, then 2. And that is okay, I'm not dreadfully tired during the day, and I'm still managing to be pleasant for the rest of the family.

Unfortunately for Mack, he doesn't get a ton of one-on-one attention, unless it is after Charlie is asleep. And because of this, I feel like I haven't had enough time to really study his personality. But here is what I do know, he absolutely loves his brother. Charlie is the only person he has really focused on for long periods of time. He is super sweet and cuddly. He is also very serious (no smiles yet). And he knows what he wants, when he is hungry, he definitely lets us know.

I can't wait for his little personality to emerge in the next few weeks, and I'm dying for that first "there's my mama" smile!

 2 Month Stats (10 weeks)...
Weight: 11 pounds 5 ounces
Height: 24.5 inches

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