Thursday, January 10, 2013


2nd installment of Random, Unsolicited Bullet Points on Life...coming your way...NOW.
  • Is there a quota of poops a mom (of two kids in diapers) has to meet per day? Oh whats that you say? My 2.5 year old is still in diapers...oh why, yes, yes he is. And he takes 2-3 man poops per day, but they usually happen at home...but sometimes they happen at gymnastics and I give that look to the other moms, you know, the look that says "YES, that is my kid that's hiding in the balls and smells like shit!"
  • Nick and I started the Insanity workouts on Sunday. I-AM-SO-SORE.
  • Charlie has been paci free for 11 days now! It was surprisingly easy. We "gave" them to his preschool teachers new baby (actually, we threw them in the trash) and I've only heard him ask for them a few times. 
  • Mack had his two month doctors appointment on Monday and thank's to the tylenol/vaccine cocktail, he slept like a champ, clocking in a PR in the nightime sleep department (7+ hours). He also weighs a whopping 11 pounds (15%) and measures 24.5 inches (90%). 
  • In the ten minutes that I have been writing this post, it has rained, sunned, snowed and hailed. Have I mentioned how much I despise winter?
  • This is the closest Mack-man has come to smiling...when he does, it will warrant its own blog post.

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