Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mack: 3 Months

Please let me just say that I am head-over-heels in love with this little boy. My heart literally swells every time he smiles...and he's not holding back. He gives the most incredible grins and has really starting cooing/talking to all of us.

He is just the sweetest baby. He just keeps getting easier. I go to bed every night asking Nick if this is really our baby...did we really make such an easy baby?

He is sleeping beautifully during the day and has fallen into a great routine since our self-soothing weekend. He's even waking up happy and giving us smiles when we go in to get him. Nights aren't terribly consistent, but (usually) he's only waking once, usually between 7-8 hours after bedtime and sleeping again until morning. Charlie was sleeping 10-11 hours at this point, but like I said in an earlier post, I really don't mind being up with him, I feel like it's our special time.

He is nursing so much better, but doesn't eat a lot. Sometime in the morning, especially if I wake him, he'll only eat 2-3 oz. It just seems weird to me that he isn't ravenous, but as long as he is gaining weight, I'm going to try not to worry.

As far as milestones, he is still rolling over from tummy to back and had few mysterious back to tummy rolls (we think Charlie is involved). He's smiling, laughing even!, reaching for toys or our faces.
I love, Love, LOVE this age!

Happy 3 Months Mack-Man!

3 Month Stats...
Weight: 12 pounds 10 ounces
Height: 25 inches

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