Wednesday, March 6, 2013


  • Us Waelty's have started making our own bread. We started with the one-minute bread recipe. It's super easy, but the bread isn't that great...none of us are ones to turn down carbs, so we ate it anyway. But this recipe came up on my reader yesterday and I decided to give it a go. I'm actually sitting here watching my second loaf not rise. Yup. What the heck? I'm getting so desperate, I had to ask my good friend google, why didn't my bread rise? I'm in the process of troubleshooting.
  • My naptime goal, after having a very productive morning, was to drink a little bit of decaf, eat my bread with some jam and watch the biggest loser (it was makeover week!). Instead, I'm drinking the decaf and eating ants on a log. I love me some PB and raisins....the celery is just bonus.
  • I'm a little/a lot behind on Downton Abbey, only because I can't stay up until 9pm, but oh my goodness! I cried so hard for Lady Sybil, so freakin sad! But wtf, PBS got rid of the rest of the season...
  • The only good thing about pregnancy (besides the obvious) is how beautiful your hair and nails become. Well, hell, three months postpartum, right as you are coming out of that newborn coma...your hair starts falling out and breaking off like crazy. Don't be surprised if you see me and it looks like I've cut bangs. 
  • We joined a local CSA (community supported agriculture), so every Thursday we get a box full of fruits and veggies, along with a dozen eggs. You can add more to your box, including local beef, turkey, fish or nuts. Everything is from within a 100 miles of us. It is a little more expensive, but so far, so good. It challenges us to try things we wouldn't normally...and on Sunday for lunch, we make bok choy. I've never had it, it was good.
  • So Mack is rolling...which I have told you 100+ times. Why did I get excited about this? On Monday, he rolled off the couch. He's fine. The doctor actually told me their bodies are equipped to fall off a three story building. Really? How does he know that? Anyway, he rolls onto his tummy every 2.3 seconds and then gets pissed and throws-up. He rolls all over his crib. It annoys him to be on his back and then it bugs him to be on his tummy. Figure it out, dude. And just to throw us...he decided he wanted to start tripoding for legitimate amounts of time. Crazy kid. Regardless, this post was suiting, and hilarious.
  •  Mack really enjoyed pint night at one of our favorite watering holes

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