Sunday, March 24, 2013


I was looking forward to this Portland weekend for months...the monotony of our day to day life was wearing on me...and I needed my mom and my sister.

My sister's best friend from IU, Ellie (who my niece was named after) is pregnant! So we all went up there to celebrate, like only Ellie knows how, at a bar. I love both babies and bars, so I was in. She looks so great and it was fun to see Jenni and her together again.
My wonderful Aunt Liz, also lives up there, so we got to visit with her and her husband Jimmy. Having never had kids, she might have been a little caught of guard by our chaos and gear, but she was such a trooper and so were her doggies, thanks for your hospitality Aunt Liz!
We actually didn't see of ton of city, we mostly just ate, drank and shopped. Which was great, I thought it was totally great. And as for Mack, he didn't seem to mind hanging out with cousin Ellie and Mimi all day. I think he kind of enjoyed all the estrogen in the house, all the kisses and cuddles made for a happy baby and fairly good sleeper.
And while we were in Portland, Nick and Charlie went to the Bay Area to the visit the Sealock's and the Oakland Zoo, we've been there before (leave it to Nick to put him in the same outfit). And thanks to Jessica for being the weekend photographer. Charlie had a blast, he said that McGruber and the giraffe's were his favorite animals. If I would have know McGruber was going to be a favorite, I wouldn't have paid for the zoo admission, they could've just hung out at the Sealock's house. But I think he really enjoyed himself and of course, being able to show a new friend, Heatley, how to hump dinosaur eggs. 
A natural born leader? I think so...


nick said...

Umm Charlie was trying to pick the eggs up...

Jessica said...

Thanks, Nick for backing up your son. I was coming here to defend him myself. It was kind of our fault, we told the kids to try and pick them up. =) We had a great weekend with Charlie too. Wally is already talking about how much he missing him.