Friday, April 5, 2013

PT: D1

I tried to potty train Charlie in January. My mil gently/obnoxiously urged me over the holiday's. It got to me. I tried for about four hours before I threw a diaper on him and waved my white flag from the comforts of the couch. Wow. Who cares if he was ready...I clearly, was not. I didn't have the energy or the time to be potty training a toddler who fought me tooth and nail. So instead, I put a date on the calendar in the way far future. You know, when Mack was sleeping through the night (he's not) and I would be pleasant and perky like my old self (I'm not. Have I ever been?)...

Fast forward four months later and the date is here. I am a lot more prepared this time around. We decided to follow the intensive 3-Day Potty Training method outlined in a e-book by Lora Jensen. Of course, my sister used it on her kids and they were both potty training pros by the third day, hopefully that will be the case for us. I don't doubt that Charlie is a very capable child, he's just stubborn as all get out.

It's a pretty simple concept.
Throw away all the diapers, put him in underwear and stalk him all day to catch him the act.
While, simple...the actual "doing" is very exhausting. I had to force myself to turn off all technology and have Nick take Mack out on some errands...I didn't want any distractions...I know if I mess this attempt up, it will be a long time before Charlie will let us try again. Whose is charge, right? The kid has a steel trap for a memory and he'd fight it all the way to the pot(ty) and back.

Yesterday being day one, he did great. He peed five times before noon and we made it to the potty every time. Of course, it was me watching like a hawk and noticing when he did the potty dance, but we made it and he was thrilled with his praise and "prizes."

Nap time came and he wet/#two'd the bed within a few minutes of being down. It was fine. We changed the sheets, put him back down and he proceed to have a 2+ hour nap accident free. 

The afternoon was okay...he was tired and frustrated. You could tell he was annoyed with me tailing him. He only went to the bathroom once all afternoon, and wasn't that interested in the "game" anymore. I could not get him to pee before bed, so we put him down for bedtime (@7pm) and I was expecting another accident right away. Our plan, was to go in at 8pm and take him again, "to try." He yelled for us at 7:58 having wet the bed. I was so bummed I missed it! Oh well, I guess we'll just wait and see how the night does.
Regardless, of all his successes today. I don't think he knows he has to pee until it is already coming out and that is my biggest concern. Hopefully, he'll catch on a little more tomorrow...hopefully, all of this will be worth it.

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