Saturday, April 6, 2013

PT: D2

Charlie slept great last night and didn't have another accident until 6:30 this morning.
He actually went 10 hours without peeing. I didn't think he could actually do it, but he did. Stud.

But today he woke up in a horrible mood. A total brat..complained the whole way through breakfast about how he didn't want oatmeal, he wanted a"snack". Snack=processed horribleness/food you can buy at wal-mart. Don't worry, I didn't budge, he kinda/sorta ate his oatmeal and we began day #2...

Potty dance ensued soon after his second glass of cranberry juice (3 parts water/1 part cj), he snuck around the table and peed out a freakin' waterfall before I got my hands on him...he also screamed the entire way into the bathroom. Like I said, total brat.

BUT, he proceeded to kill it the rest of morning, going pee several more times, telling me when he had to go. He did have a poop accident (on Nick's watch) but hopefully he can get that worked out soon enough.

He napped like a champ, going to the bathroom right after waking up. He was accident free the whole afternoon. He might...just might, be getting the hang of things...

AND how about those Michigan Wolverines?

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