Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The weather is here...

and things are lookin' up. We've had a gorgeous week here and the ten day forecast looks just as perfect. I'm going to apologize to all my family back east, because I know you are currently experiencing the eternal winter, but seventy degree weather just wasn't good enough for me, I'm definitely an eighties gal. So when I see a forecast like this one...
it just makes my heart smile. We've been spending a lot of time outside.
You know, airing out a minor diarrhea diaper rash...
Or dancing in our underwear after a long day of temper tantrums... both kids have been pretty sick with these stupid hang-y on-y colds. Which means, Charlie sleeps like a champ and Mack sleeps like this...
BUT THE WEATHER! It makes me so happy! We've been hanging out up the hill at a little private lake. It's shallow enough that Charlie can play on his own and there are usually a few other kids up there, we pack a lunch or dinner and just soak up this awesome sun.
Happy Spring!

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