Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mack: 6 Months

This face says it all.
This boy is equal parts sweet and audacious. 
I absolutely love spending all my days with him, but he definitely keeps me on my toes! 
There is no rest for the weary when Mack is awake.
We've had a fun month. Mack starting sitting up and army crawling at the beginning of the month. I've always loved the baby stage where they just sit on a blanket and play with toys, yeah, Mack skipped it...poor me. I knew he was a focused kid, but he is constantly working on some new move and it gets a little tiresome. He recently started "real" crawling, along with sitting up from a laying position. Crazy kid.
He's still completely enthralled with Charlie, except now he starting to crawl all over him, grab at his face and pull his hair...which I think is great. Here comes payback Charlie... Go Mackman Go!
He is still nursing and fairly well. This has definitely been our best month yet. Although he gets really distracted and nursing in public is a huge pain in the rear. I am planning on nursing for another month, but I'm  kinda over it. Summer is coming and I don't really want my boobs pouring out of all my swimsuits. He'll be on the powder soon enough. Priorities right?
We continued solids this month. He is doing really well. He's loving on banana and apple puree's. I can even sneak in a little avocado without him knowing, anything to fatten him up!
Sleep still, really, really sucks. Stayed tuned. My doctor has suggested Feber-izing and dropping all nighttime feedings. I'll be a new woman in a few short weeks (we'll start after his 6 month well baby appointment). Side note: Every parent (regardless of your beliefs) should read Ferber's book. The man knows his sleep shit, but does he know how stubborn my son is...
I still have a pretty awesome baby, with a really cool little personality. We are absolutely loving getting to know him more everyday. Happy Six Months Mack!

6 Month Stats...
Weight: 15 pounds 8 ounces
Height: 28.5 inches

...and Charlie's six month post

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