Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Charlie: Three Years

Charlie turned three years old today!
He's turning into the quite the little man, hence the bowtie....and becoming more of his own little person everyday. He has started doing more independent, creative play at his own choosing. He has also started developing his own thoughts and phrases, instead of just repeating things we say to him. It is fun to actually hear about his day . He is now telling silly stories, singing songs, making funny faces and joking on his own. For as big as he's getting...I love that he says rainboat (rainbow), glub (glove) and sings "kumbaya amor" instead of "kumbaya my lord" enough to just let it be. He's getting so big in others ways, it is nice to have that glimpse of the baby he once was...and because it's so stinkin' cute.
The last few months have been a roller coaster with his behavior. He is up and down and they seem to come in phases of a few weeks. We are currently experiencing a really fun, mindful boy. 
Ahhh...it is so refreshing!
He still has his moments, but he seems to recover fairly quickly. He'll say, "see mommy, I'm happy now" or "Mom, I change my attitude."
He's, what I would call...spirited? smart + curious + busy = spirited. It's been so fun watching him get smarter and funnier and more interested in life. BUT "...because why?" Did you know that is one of hardest questions I've ever answered? He asks it alllll.the.time! Have you ever gone running, pushing a double stroller, and answered "because why?" 154 times? I did, today.
And I knew when I married Nick that we would make fairly athletic kids (it was criteria) and Charlie isn't knocking on the door in Ann Arbor (not yet) (and he is still extremely clumsy) BUT, he's a good runner! He has fairly good endurance and when we go to the track on family run days, he can run! He also swims and has been swimming 25 yards for the last few weeks. It is totally dog paddle, there is no skill involved (except maybe blowing bubbles) BUT he's strong and can hang all the way across the pool!
And compassion! There are some days I would consider him a sociopath but MOST days he is showing compassion and a kindness towards us, Mack and his friends. It is really sweet to see him develop a kindness for others...and this is really what we want for our kids, right?
We love you so much Charlie! Thank you for blessing our lives (and keeping us on our toes!) for the last three years. Happy Day!

Charlie's Three Year Schedule
7am: Wake & Eat
9am: Independent Playtime
9:30am: Snack
10am: Outdoor/Organized Play
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: Nap
3pm: Wake & Snack
6pm: Dinner
6:30pm: Bath & Bedtime Routine
7pm: Bedtime

3 Year Stats...
Weight: 33 lbs
Height: 39 Inches

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday, Charlie! We'll celebrate with you next time we see you!