Friday, May 31, 2013

Mack: 7 Months

This stud is now seven months old!
And he's just that, a total stud. He's going to be one of those boys in high school that's too focused on school or athletics to worry about having a girlfriend but all the girls love him anyway (a mother can dream, right?). He is constantly working/plotting out his next move...when he figures it out...he'll give you a little grin. Those smiles are pretty hard to come by, but that makes them that much more special. He seems too busy, figuring life out to stop and smile for us. BUT when he does...his nose scrunches up, his eyes go squinty and his ears turn down. It's just so stinkin' cute!

This last month flew by and I think it is because we are out of the woods. You know...the dark, newborn, not sleeping through the night, life is blur...woods. The days are getting longer. And Mack is at that know, the age you imagine when you think of a baby..
Wow. I'm really happy we are at that age. 
He is so fun! He's crawling everywhere, following us from room to room and getting bruises all over his forehead from having sudden muscle failure on the hardwoods. If you've lost him, you can either look in the bathroom or under the side table in the living room...these seem to be his "go to" spots. 
He also got a tooth! Immediately after I wrote his six month update, a little bottom tooth popped through. He wasn't particularly fussy, it just came out one day. And he does, all of the sudden, fancy the pacifier! 

Mack nursed really well this month, it was fun and easy for both of us...but all good things must come to an end and we stopped (cold turkey) yesterday. It was a bit of an adjustment because I rarely gave him a bottle. He cried through his entire morning bottle and has been fine since. But he's still a really slow eater! I have about a month of milk saved in the freezer and onto the powder after that...
He's doing well with his solids. He prefers finger foods to puree's. I guess that's good, but it definitely creates bigger messes than I feel like cleaning up at this time.
He is sleeping great. He is sleeping 11-12 hours/night. I have moved the boys into the same room. It has been a transition, but I think they are adjusting well enough. We are in the process of dropping a nap and getting him on a two nap schedule...some days are great and other days we take three. 
He is also becoming quite the expert traveler. He's so chill and flexible...especially with a recent influx of road trips and our flight to Indy...we're getting excited for a summer of travelling and watching this little guy grow bigger!
We love you Mack!

7 Month Stats...
Weight: 16 pounds 2 ounces
Height: 29 inches

...and Charlie at seven months.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

We loved spending time with Mack yesterday and getting to see his little personality. He's got a long way to Charlie status, but I think he's on the right track! =)