Monday, July 1, 2013

Anne gets hitched!

I enjoy boasting about my let me begin this post with a little background bragging.
Anne has been in my life for almost thirteen years. I met her my second day in Ann Arbor, and I loved her immediately. We bonded throughout our entire first year over our intense desire to transfer/quit/move home. Obviously, we didn't end doing any of the above (thank heavens)...but we spent dozens of hours talking and those hours must of bonded us for ALL ETERNITY!

She was a pretty fast swimmer. Specializing in butterfly and breaststroke and IM and freestyle. Oh wait, what did I miss? I can't really remember but I'm pretty sure she could kick your ass in backstroke, too. She had this amazing ability to be giggling one minute and super focused in the next. And it was really fun watching her race, because she would always be in the race until the last 25 when she would leave everyone in her wake...unfortunately, that always included me because I swam my races with a super advanced technique call "go out as fast as possible and hang on for dear life."

Besides her talent for swimming fast, she is super smart, really organized and totally artistic. If you ever wanted to copy someones notes from class, you would ask Anne, because she would not only print perfectly but color code things, too. If that isn't awesome, I don't know what is.
Anne is great at listening and giving advice, too. You know how sometimes you just need to hear yourself talk something out to find the solution? She would listen, let you figure out the solution and then sweetly give you a more rational solution. Ahhh, to be so level headed.

In all honesty, we have an unique friendship. We were never those inseparable buddies, we actually ran with different crowds within in the team, rarely roomed together at away meets or training trips, didn't get drunk and profess our friendship love...but we were always drawn to each other through long (LONG!) conversations and we actually believed we were long lost twinsies. It didn't hurt that people would often mistake us for one another on campus.

AND, one more thing! Her smile! The most charismatic, sincere smile! How can this smile not make your day betterer?
Wow. Do you love her yet?
I know. I know. Be jealous.
SO, how pumped was I when she told me she had met this fabulous guy Terry? And guess what, their first date was on my birthday...its like it was meant to be (...because we're twins from another mother & father...).

So Anne and Terry decided to get married, which is awesome. And their wedding was on Saturday. It was a beautiful day, she was a super chill bride and they both looked STUNNING and so, so HAPPY!

Thanks for including me in your special day, it was beautiful!
And, it is always so fun hanging out with these gorgeous Michigan ladies!

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