Thursday, July 25, 2013

Finger Foods

I've had a few people (two, to be exact) ask me about Mack's schedule and the whole finger food v. puree I thought it would be a fun idea for a post. Lucky you. Read if you care.

Starting solids is such a big undertaking. I am always really excited to start and than it wears on me.
The effort, the mess, the money.
All things that are great about the boobs, don't really apply to solid foods.
At five months, I started experimenting with foods here and there. At six months, I started with two meals/day and at eight months we moved to full on three meals/day.

At about the same time we moved to three meals/day I also tried to stick with mostly finger foods. I'm obviously not a practicer of baby led weaning, but I get the idea, it makes total sense. The ultimate goal in our family is to have our kids eating the same as us.

So here are some photo examples of Mack's meals...
Breakfast: mango, blueberries, banana bread and oatmeal
Lunch: shredded cheese, ground beef, spinach and beets
Dinner: peas and carrots, hard boiled egg yolk and avocado

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info and links, Watts
