Wednesday, July 24, 2013

happenings, of sort.

Do you know those people who post an infinite number of quotables on Pinterest and Facebook? Yeah, those people annoy me. Don't get me wrong, I love a good quote, but I don't need a daily affirmation in quote or e-card form.
Any who...this posting is getting my crippled self through the week.
It's not really even a quote. It's more of a rhyming thought, a vision, my mantra to what next week holds and why my limping, tired body wakes to another day of being spread a little too thin by life and the pooping minions.

Nick left on Sunday for his annual backpacking trip. In Hawaii. Yeah, not a rough life. I've had the absolute pleasure of staying home with my energy leaches. BUT really, we get to go join him in a mere 88 hours, no, I'm not counting.

In other happenings...
I got a teaching job. I know, I know. My SAHMhood was short lived. BUT it was beautiful and fun and exhausting. This is a really good thing for me and for our family. I know this year is going to be incredibly challenging for me and for the boys, but totally worth it.
Nick and I also seized the rare opportunity to go out with friends last weekend. It was so fun. We laughed so hard (a little pee leaked out) and drank pink champagne and ate incredible food. Diamondback and these friends NEVER disappoint.

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