Saturday, July 13, 2013

Random, Unsolictited Bullet Points on Life

Numero Nuevo
  • Um, Coors Light. Ever heard of it? We used to drink it in (gasp) high school. And I mean, I don't think I was really attempting to enjoy beer in that moment. BUT. It's good! I drank it while I was home in Indy on numerous occasions, and I actually bought a six pack at the grocery today. I was a little embarrassed holding my baby on my hip and buying a sixer of Coors (in cans) but, you know, its summer and the livin is easy....
  • Mack sipped on his last frozen breast milk bottle today. It's a little sad knowing my boobs will never produce so much happiness again. Well, unless Nick suddenly becomes a boob guy. Wait, Nick, are you a boob guy? Why have we never had this conversation?
  • Am I last person on earth to join Houzz? My friends have been talking about it for months. I chalked it up to another website to suck the life and free time out of me. BUT, its gorgeous! It makes me absolutely hate everything in my house and want to completely redecorate. I'm kind of annoyed with how addicting it is...Thanks "friends."
  • Bye-bye puree's. Hello finger foods. How fast was that stage? Since we've been back from Indy, we are almost exclusively on finger foods. Obviously, we still do oatmeal, yogurt and pouches (on the go) but I try to do his meals, serve yourself style. Messy? Yes. Easier for me? Totally.
  •  Have you seen this video? I know, I know. I posted it on facebook, because I was so impressed! I'll be the first to admit my kids are totally average on the scale of judging kids. BUT, if there is one thing they will be learn to do and do early is swim! Watching this click with him has been so fun.
  • We decided to hold Charlie off on his advancement from the toddler class to the preschool class at school for our return from Indy. It was a super smooth transition and he already seems smarter. BUT before they moved him up they did an assessment on him. He was average on everything EXCEPT...wait for it....he doesn't know how to hold scissors OR hop on his left foot. Hmm. Aren't they supposed to teach them that at school? (just kidding) I guess I'm going to have to start implementing a little craft time and hopscotch into our day...
  • And one more for the pondering mind. I read this Time Magazine article in the airport coming back from Indy after my grandma's funeral. It got me thinking, are we really that horrible? There are some truths to the argument, but have these critics met my friends? Because my peers are doing really awesome stop trashing the millennials already!

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